Online Platform User Guide
Guide for members accessing our online content management system, including content library, clinical calculators, antibiograms, and other features.
This document provides an overview of the end user features of the Curbside Health online platform. Our online platform is designed to be a single source for clinical decision support and allows users to create and share content, measure utilization, manage your governance process, support collaboration and feedback across your organization.
The setting menu is accessible by clicking where you see in the upper left hand corner of the screen. The Settings dropdown includes the following sections:
Account Settings: Details included in section below
Institution Settings: Allows members to search for existing members and invite colleagues to Curbside Health using the button
Invite People: Allows user to invite a colleague to Curbside Health
Create Channel: Allows user to create a private or public channel within Curbside Health to communicate with your colleagues
Help: A link to our knowledge base
Logout: Logout of Curbside Health
To exit this section, click the in the upper right hand corner.
Account Settings
The USER SETTINGS has two sections. The My Account section allows users to edit their account profile. Items flagged with a star (*) in the online user interface are required.
Profile Image: Drop or click to upload your photo
First Name: Modify your first name
Last Name: Modify your last name
Credentials: Enter MD, DO, Phd or other relevant credentials
Phone Number: Enter phone number
Role: Shows your role, requires administrative access to modify
NPI: Enter your NPI
Occupation: Select or update your occupation
LinkedIn: Add LinkedIn profile
Twitter: Add Twitter profile
Current Password: Required to save account changes
Password / Password Confirmation: Allows user to change password
Allow my profile to be displayed publicly checkbox: Click this if you want to share your name, profile image, occupation, institutions, and other public content within Curbside Health
Choose the Default Scrolling Option: A newer option that sets whether how the system responds to the user scrolling on a published pathway (note: this does not impact the interaction on the pathway edit screen, only when viewing published pathways)
Pan: Scrolling will zoom in or out on the pathway
Scroll: Drag the pathway up or down
The Disclosure section allows the user to enter any necessary disclosure information which will display when the user is an credited author of published content.
The APP SETTINGS section includes the Notification settings, which allow the user to configure their notifications that will display in the Notification() menu at the top of the display.
The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy include legal information for using the Curbside Health application and document our privacy protocols.
The Library is where users can search, filter and sort clinical content that already exists, whether it is published or unpublished. The top section displays recently viewed content for easy access, and below that is search and filter functionality. The user can sort by clicking on the column headings like “Name” or “Updated” and searching, filters and sorting can all be done together to narrow down the list of clinical content.
Searching For Clinical Content
All your institution's content is accessible from the library. The content will open in a non-editable, read only mode unless you are already an owner. If you need to create new content or request access to existing content please refer to our Introduction to Pathway Ownership documentation.
Within the Library, Recently Viewed content is displayed at the top of the display. You can click on any item to open it again.
Below the Recently Viewed display is the ability to search for content:
Use the search, filter and sorting options to find existing pathways, workflows, protocols or documents
Click on the name to open in a new window
This section allows users to view the institution specific antibiograms which can be added to pathways and workflows for easy access by your clinical team. The filtering options at the top of the page can help the user focus their attention on the appropriate data.
This section includes medical calculators that can be incorporated into pathways and workflows to help drive recommendations and best practices. Curbside Health includes 20+ clinical calculators and we are happy to work with you to define any additional calculators you need. The user can search or filter for the calculator list, and clicking on a calculator will allow the user to view the questions and understand the scoring.
More: Announcements
Announcements are institution wide notifications that can be configured by your administrators.
Folders, formerly named pages, allow you to organize your clinical content into major groups to make it easier for users to find and navigate. Folders support multiplied levels of content and content can be linked to multiple folders. All members can add folders but only administrators can delete them.
To add content to a folder, click the +Add New Documents box toward the top of the folder. Content can be removed from the Folder by clicking Remove next to the content. Removing content will take it out of folder but it will still be available in Library and any other folders it was linked to.
Channels allow users to communicate with each other within the application. As documented above, users have the ability to create channels using the “Setting” menu which are then displayed in this section.